Office Timings:
Monday To Saturday 10:00A.M – 5:00P.M

Indication:- Helps relieve symptoms of acute and chronic eczema, pimples, skin rashes, urticaria and psoriasis.
COMPOSITION: Apis Mel-30X, Ars. Alb.-30X, Rhus Tox.-30X

Packing Size: 30ml

Dermatitis (from Greek: derma "skin" and -itis "inflammation")or eczema (Greek: ekzema "eruption") is inflammation of the skin. It is characterized by itchy, erythematous, vesicular, weeping, and crusting patches. The term eczema is also commonly used to describe atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema. In some languages, dermatitis and eczema are synonyms, while in other languages dermatitis implies an acute condition and eczema a chronic one. The two conditions are often classified together. COMMON:- a) Atopic dermatitis is an allergic disease believed to have a hereditary component, and often runs in families whose members also have asthma. Itchy rash is particularly noticeable on head and scalp, neck, inside of elbows, behind knees, and buttocks. b) Contact dermatitis is of two types: allergic (resulting from a delayed reaction to an allergen) and irritant (resulting from direct reaction to a detergent). Some substances act both as allergen and irritant (wet cement, for example). Other substances cause a problem after sunlight exposure, bringing on phototoxic dermatitis. c) Xerotic eczema is dry skin that becomes so serious it turns into eczema. It worsens in dry winter weather, and limbs and trunk are most often affected. d) Seborrhoeic dermatitis or Seborrheic dermatitis is a condition sometimes classified as a form of eczema that is closely related to dandruff. It causes dry or greasy peeling of the scalp, eyebrows, and face, and sometimes trunk. Less common:- a) Dyshidrosis (housewife's eczema) only occurs on palms, soles, and sides of fingers and toes. Tiny opaque bumps called vesicles, thickening, and cracks are accompanied by itching, which gets worse at night. A common type of hand eczema, it worsens in warm weather. b) Discoid eczema is characterized by round spots of oozing or dry rash, with clear boundaries, often on lower legs. It is usually worse in winter. c) Venous eczema occurs in people with impaired circulation, varicose veins, and edema, and is particularly common in the ankle area of people over 50. There is redness, scaling, darkening of the skin, and itching. d)Dermatitis herpetiformis causes intensely itchy and typically symmetrical rash on arms, thighs, knees, and back. It is directly related to celiac disease, can often be put into remission with appropriate diet, and tends to get worse at night. e) Neurodermatitis is an itchy area of thickened, pigmented eczema patch that results from habitual rubbing and scratching. f) Autoeczematization is an eczematous reaction to an infection with parasites, fungi, bacteria, or viruses. g) There are also eczemas overlaid by viral infections and eczemas resulting from underlying disease (e.g. lymphoma). Eczemas originating from ingestion of medications, foods, and chemicals, have not yet been clearly systematized. The cause of dermatitis is unclear. One possibility is that the condition is caused by a dysfunctional interplay between the immune system and skin. The term eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistent skin conditions. These include dryness and recurring skin rashes that are characterized by one or more of these symptoms: redness, skin swelling, itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding. Areas of temporary skin discoloration may appear and are sometimes due to healed injuries. Scratching open a healing lesion may result in scarring and may enlarge the rash. While dermatitis is not life-threatening, a number of other illnesses have been linked to the condition, including osteoporosis, depression, and heart disease.
Recommended investigations.
(At the sole discretion of the physician OR As suggested by the physician)

  • Hb (Haemoglobin)
  • TLC (Total Leucocyte Count)
  • DLC (Differential Leucocyte Count)
  • ESR (Erthrocyte Sedimentation Rate)
  • LFT (Liver Function Test)
  • Urine Complete
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